Elnaz Kabir - Publication

Published/Accepted Papers

  1. Power Outage Prediction Using Data Streams: An Adaptive Ensemble Learning Approach with a Feature- and Performance-based Weighting Mechanism,
    E. Kabir, S. Guikema, and S. Quiring (2023), Risk Analysis.
    (Collaboration with American Electric Power (AEP) Company.)

  2. Predicting Thunderstorm-induced Power Outages to Support Utility Restoration,
    E. Kabir, S. Guikema, and S. Quiring (2019), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 34 (6), 4370-4381.
    (Collaboration with Southern Company.)

  3. Statistical Modeling of Tree Failures During Storms,
    E. Kabir, S. Guikema, and B. Kane (2018), Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 177, 68-79.
    Winner of the Best Poster Award at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting (Dec 2016)

  4. Hybrid Robust and Stochastic Optimization Approach for Closed-loop Supply Chain Design Network using an Accelerated Benders Decomposition,
    E. Keyvanshokooh, S.M. Ryan, and E. Kabir (2016), European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 249 (1), 76-92.
    Among the 25 most cited articles published in EJOR since 2016.

Submitted Papers and Pre-prints

  1. Quantifying the Multi-Scale and Multi-Resource Impacts of lLarge-Scale Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources,
    E. Kabir, V. Srikrishnan, V. Liu, S. Steinschneider, L. Anderson (2023), arXiv:2307.11076.

  2. Hetero- geneous Vulnerability of Zero-Carbon Power Grids under Climate-Technological Changes,
    V. Liu, V. Srikrishnan, K. Doering, E. Kabir, S. Steinschneider, L. Anderson (2023), arXiv:2307.15079.

Working Papers

  1. An Assessment of Drivers of Power System Damage During Severe Weather,
    E. Kabir, S. Guikema, S. Quiring, and B. McRoberts (2023).

  2. Data-driven Adaptive Crew Coordination Model for Power Outage Restoration,
    E. Kabir and S. Guikema (2023).